More than ten years of experience faculties.
We provide life time access to all our students.
Teachers’ Prime is a unique, dedicated and committed platform which brings most of the experts in the field of Government teachers’ exams and TET exams like – CTET, STATE TET, SUPER TET, DSSSB, NVS, KVS and NET/JRF exams together so that they may utilise their long years’ experience in the field of training the future teachers without any restrictions and unnecessary interference from the management. Here, all the experts work as the proud member of the Teachers’ Prime family and strive to bring the revolutionary change in the field of all the competitive exams conducted for teachers’ recruitment in various states.We have Highly Experienced & Qualified Teachers under the banner of Teachers' Prime, We consists of leading academicians who are expert in their Subject, having more than 10 Years of Quality Teaching experience.
Faculty Of English
Teacher training is becoming imperative for the aspiring pre and primary teachers as well as for the teachers who are already working in the field of pre and primary, nursery, Montessori and early childhood education. The teacher training courses carefully designed by Teachers' Prime will not only equip you with the current methodologies and the latest skills but helps to bring in the creativity and innovation in your teaching which will shape the tender minds in a stimulating environment.
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